Saturday 10 August 2013

Day 3- My favourite thing

Day 3- My favourite thing
My favourite things I my bed and actual bed time as I get older the more I enjoy turning my light off and going to sleep, unlike when I was a kid and wanted to stay up all night! 
This was a vary simple page but I was tired so fitted perfectly with the frame of mind I was in! 

The bed lifts up to reveal a small bit of journalling 

Friday 9 August 2013

Day 2- Washi Tape and youtube!

Day 2- Washi Tape
I have a lovely collection of washi tape so wanted to do something a bit different than just sticking it in rows, i found a similar idea on pinterest so thought I'd give it a go!
really basic, some washi tape, remarks alphas and a chipboard heart ta daaaaa!

Not alot to say about this one but yeah.

I have a new video up on youtube, this is my first ever video and its based on my 30 day challenge so a short one as only just started but check it out :) more to follow! 

Thursday 8 August 2013

30 Day Smash*aholic Challenge

Okay so been a while since I last posted buuut, im going to make up for that as I am trying to keep myself into smashing everyday with the Smash*aholic 30 Day Challenge. 
I am using the little black smash book for this challenge and am so excited about it!

Day 1- All About You

So this is the first few pages and its all about me :) there isnt much space in the mini smash so had to try and be quite clever with how i displayed what i wanted, i used various alpha stickers to add words that describe who I am and then decided i needed a picture (its my favourite recent picture where i have 2 tone dip dyed hair!) so thats why I've got the left hand page, if i was to do it again id do the pages the other way around but oh well :) I'm happy with how it turned out and it kept me busy for HOURS!

Hope you like :)
Cant wait for day 2- WASHI TAPE!!

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Welcome :)

Hello everyone :) So I decided today that I am going to have a blog for my smash books. 
So what's a smash book?
A smash book is a wire bound book which has a series of decorated pages inside which suit the theme of the book, for example I have the red doodle smash book shown in the video and it has quite random pages.
There are a number of books including, retro (blue), travel (yellow), cutesy (purple), girly(pink) and many more.

You can use them for whatever the heart desires and just smash in whatever you want. It's a free form of scrap booking or journaling.

As I complete a page I will upload it for you all to see and give a list of supplies I've used for each page.
I don't do my book in order so random pages are done in no order but that I like the page for the picture I'm using.


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